
Friday, February 6, 2009

Happy 8th Birthday Kelsey!!!

I can hardly believe that Kelsey is 8 today. She is such a little lady now, compared to the chubby baby that she once was. I love her sweet spirit dearly. She brings light and laughter to our family that is so appreciated. We had a great day with her today, and a really fun Birthday Party! Take a look at Kelsey's face after playing chubby bunny. Happy Birthday to my baby brother Blake also, we love you and miss you!!!!

Kelsey's Sweet Spirit

This is what I came home from work on Tuesday to find waiting on my bed........
I love this girl so much!

Happy Birthday Blake!!!

Happy Birthday to my little brother Blake today. Our family loves him dearly, and we miss him! You are the best brother, brother in law, and uncle! Happy Birthday!!

Funeral for the pillow

So Matt was raised by his Grandpa, who happened to be the cheapest man I have ever met. When he died over 10 years ago, Matt fell in love with one of his old pillows. Now when Matt started sleeping with this pillow, it grossed me out, but I adjusted. However Oprah did a special on the germs in our household several years ago. And to Matt's dismay I happened to see the show, and it told about the germs lurking in pillows. Now let me tell you that this pillow, if I know Matt's Grandpa, was probably 30 years old. So Ashley bought Matt a really nice pillow for Christmas this year, and so Matt promised that he would get rid of the old pillow. Well, we all rejoiced! Well trash night is on Wednesday night and every week Matt always forgets (yea right) to take the pillow to the trash. So on Wednesday Dayton and Andrew decided to help me out, and the pillow. See for yourself..............

Monday, February 2, 2009


Matt and I sat down on Saturday night to watch a wonderful movie called Fireproof. It is a story about a couple who want to get divorced, but loving parents ask their son to complete a 41 day challenge before signing the papers. The couple proceed down a path that is life changing and heart warming. It is a wonderful Christian movie that every one should watch. After watching the movie you can go to and order the book with the same challenge. Matt and I are taking this challenge on and we will keep you posted. Blake and Mishelle I don't mean to single you out, but I know you are getting married soon and we thought this was a great idea for you, or anyone that is married, or getting married. It teaches wonderful lessons on true love and how to love. You'll cry, and I'm sure the 41 day challenge is a lot of work, but I am sure it will be worth the journey!