Our grandfather passed away this last week, and I just want to share a few thoughts about him as I remember the man that he was. I met him almost 16 years ago shortly after I met Matthew. One of the first things that I remember about him was the GREAT love that he had for grandma. He loved her so much and did so many kind and loving things to show her that love everyday. After we met he showed those same kindnesses and love to me. I was pregnant with Ashley at the time, and had purchased a crib for $10.00 at a yard sale. You could barely call it a crib for it didn't look like much more then a pile of wood. MY grandfather took that "pile of wood" home and created a BEAUTIFUL masterpiece for Ashley. I loved that crib so much, and marveled at how he made it out of so little. Yet it seemed that he could do that with everything that he touched. He was the hardest working man I have ever met. He had the same touch with people, especially with children, and with the most important person to him, my grandmother. My prayer is that Matt and I might someday have the love that these wonderful grandparents have had toward each other!
We have been blessed by their unconditional love for each one of our children. I have marveled in the fact that in their eye's our children could do no wrong. Grandpa would stare at our children for hours watching their every move, or laugh, and wiping their tears away. He is gone for a time, but his memory is engraved in our hearts!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
A Grandfather remembered, a Grandmother treasured!
I met him many years ago,
a wonderful man with a gentle soul.
He touched my life in many ways,
with his tender heart and loving gaze.
His love came freely, with no thought of reward,
and he lived everyday to make it home to his LORD!
The place in my heart that holds his sweet thoughts,
will always be remembered and never forgot.
The stories he shared, and his hard working days,
I'll treasure them always as I live everyday.
I'll pass on those memories to the ones that I love,
and I'm sure Grandpa will be telling those same stories above.
The LORD needed him home in that wonderful place,
and someday I'll meet you there and look upon your face.
And when I do I'll hug you tight,
and I'll kiss your cheeks with all my might.
I'll look at your face and once again find,
the man I knew before, the Heavenly kind!
I love you Grandpa!
Melinda Bailey
Saturday, September 11, 2010
You know when you are just going CRAZY with a hundred things to do, and you feel that you are being pulled in every direction? Well that's how I feel, just plain OVERWHELMED!!! I just don't know how my parents raised 8 children without going crazy!! Wait..........they are CRAZY (Ha Ha Ha)!! Oh the things to look forward to in life. I have these 4 BEAUTIFUL children who mean everything to me, and yet I feel that I just can't meet all of their needs and Matt's. This last week has been so busy as we have had testing for Dayton and Andrew all week. They are scoring low in several different areas that need to be addressed at home and in preschool. They start back up next week with a speech therapist, an occupational therapist, and their preschool teacher. Andrew loves going, Dayton on the other hand has a hard time at first, and then gets better after a little while. I think he is just sick of doing so many tests! Kelsey just entered 4th grade and got my friend for a teacher (Mrs. Zweifel), she is so excited to be in her class, and she already knows her so she feels so comfortable. She also just started back up in dance which she loves. Talk about having to much on my plate......we had back to school night, and I had gotten off work late. I called home to tell Kelsey to be ready right when I got home so we could get her back pack loaded up and get her hair done. Well when I had pulled in the driveway, Ashley had done her hair, and gotten all of her school supplies together for me. She looked so cute! Ashley also did the same for her first class of dance. I was at work and Ashley sent her off to dance with a cute little hairstyle that she made up. These girls don't get along well most of the time, so I hope that Kelsey can always remember these moments. Ashley turns 14 in 2 weeks! This is really hard for me to accept. I keep trying to think of cute birthday party ideas....but I just can't think of what 14 yr. old girls do at birthday parties. I am trying to hold on to the little girl in her, but feel her slipping away. She keeps asking funny questions like....... Mom, how do talk to boys? (Facebook and text has changed the way teenagers talk to each other), and I don't get these things, so I am not much help! Ashley has her first real crush on a boy at school. Matt is dying inside when I tell him these things! In fact they are really hard for me also, but we all go through them. Matt starts his 2nd semester of the nursing program on Monday, which means that he will be busy, busy, busy! Our lives are crazy right now, with so much on my plate to make our household run smoothly, I feel like I am running in all different directions. But just writing down my thoughts has made me feel so much better. I know that I am OVERWHELMED, but I guess I wouldn't change a thing! You know what the say about idle hands right? I would be getting myself into a lot of trouble!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Dayton and Andrew's 4th Birthday
Dayton and Andrew turned 4 this month! I can hardly believe that they are little boys now. Our lives changed so much the day we found out we were expecting twins. I have always felt so blessed to have them. They are all BOY now. They love super hero's, especially Superman, Batman, and Spiderman. They never stop playing, and rest is hard to come by for both of them. They rarely sit down and watch a movie, or want to read a book. They run and play all day long, making up their own games, and all of their own FUN! They keep us going all of the time. Andrew has turned into a little trouble maker. If you don't know where he is, you better find out FAST! The last week alone he gave us the gift of a new purple toilet, purple bathtub, and purple iron with fingernail polish. He was the ring leader in getting Tyler, and Dayton in tearing out every single game in the game closet. You couldn't even see the floor up stairs. It took us three hours to clean the mess up. He is trouble, but he is also sooooo loving! He can shower you with lots of hugs and kisses! Dayton is EASY going and funny man! He say's the CUTEST things and can make you laugh, he can be such a stinker at times though. Especially when he doesn't get his way. Kelsey is both of their buddies, and they love and adore her soooo much! They love Ashley too, but Kelsey is amazingly fun! I remember the day the boys were born, how blessed I felt! As I look back over the last four years, I can only say that I have lived a life full of love, and joy for I have been truly BLESSED by all of my children. Happy Birthday Dayton and Andrew, thank you for blessing our family with your sweet little spirits.
Dayton and Andrews 4th Birthday Party!
It's amazing that we are 4 yrs. old now!
I made these SUPERMAN costumes with some help from my friends Nancy and Melissa, and
my sister Terri for their birthday gift. They turned out awsome, and the boys love them! They
make great SUPER HERO'S!
Here is a flashback of one of my favorite pictures when the boys were 10 months old!
Dayton and Andrews 4th Birthday Party!
Dayton and Andrews 4th Birthday Party!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Happy 9th Birthday Kelsey
Happy 9th Birthday to our sweet little angel Kelsey! She almost always has a smile on her face and is so excited about her everyday life!
Kelsey can light up a room with her warm attitude and her cheery disposition!
I have to admit that Kelsey is my most loving child, she loves attention, and she loves to give lots of hugs and kisses!
Here are a few wonderful things that we love about Kelsey..........
* For her birthday her grandma gave her $10. Kelsey always talks about how much money Ashley gets from babysitting, and how she never has any. So we go to the store and her brothers both want something, and Kelsey offers to buy it for them with her birthday money, and get nothing for herself. She is always giving to everyone around her, even though she may want something for herself so bad.
* I have never in my life received as many notes or letters from anyone, as much as I have received from her. She leaves notes of love, appreciation, and encouragement to everyone in our family. She can cheer up the sad and make them feel glad in no time at all with a quick note of love.
* Kelsey is a good friend to those around her. She has her bad days and she will come home and tell me about them. She will then go to her room and say a prayer, and then come back to me and declare she knows how to fix the problem straight away, and she does it. she amazes me with her attitude.
* I only have four children, but out of all of them, Kelsey is the most loving. She is always playing with her brothers and Ashley, (when she lets her). She can make Andrew and Dayton believe in magic. She can fix a problem with a story, and she can get the boys to bed better then I can. Someday she will make one amazing MOTHER!
* Faith! Kelsey has amazing faith in God! And she loves to declare that to others. She almost never misses the chance to bear her testimony. And every time I hear her do it, I can feel of her love for her Heavenly Father!
I can still remember the day I found out I was pregnant with Kelsey. She is my sunshine when the clouds seem gray and she is my rainbow when the rain comes down. We have all been blessed to have her in our family! we all love her so very much! Happy Birthday Sweetheart!
Love dare Day 6
Alright now it has almost been a week since I started my challenge. I would like to state that it has been easy, but the truth is I can't say that! When you start to look at yourself and learn about the content of your heart, it can be hard to learn that there are MANY things you need to work on! Some of the challenges I faced this week talked about a selfish heart, and much to my dismay I learned that in my marriage I have been a very selfish person. This week I tried to let go of anger easily, and I was successful a few times. I held my tongue on a few occasions, which I must say was very hard, but I learned that I was able to do it. And yesterday we had a birthday party for Kelsey and I was very stressed. I needed 2 cars because we had company in town, and they needed a car, and I needed one. I had asked Matt to get a ride to work from a coworker, which he did. However at 2:00 he called and asked if I could pick him up for the day. I was very stressed out and had very little time to accomplish all that I needed to do, so I hung up the phone frustrated with him for not getting a ride home. However, when I went to pick him up I quickly apologized for my behavior, and admitted that I was being selfish! To my surprise he said he understood, but he would come home and help me with all that I needed to do. I quickly realized how sometimes my anger over little things can affect my family. And if I just learned to let things go I would have a much better marriage! If you want a challenge, or maybe just even learn something about yourself.
Accept the challenge for Day 5............
Ask your spouse to tell you three things that cause him or her to be uncomfortable or irritated with you. You must do so without attacking them or justifying your behavior. Then ask yourself these questions...
How did you handle hearing it?
What do you plan to do to improve these areas?
Listen to this thought....
Love will lead you to forgive instead of holding a grudge. To be grateful instead of greedy. To be content rather than rushing into more debt. Love encourages you to be happy when someone else succeeds rather than lying awake at night in envy. Love says "share the inheritance"rather than "fight with your relatives." It reminds you to prioritize your family rather than sacrifice them for a promotion at work. In each decision, love ultimately lowers your stress and helps you release the venom that can build up inside. It then sets up your heart to respond to your spouse with patience and encouragement rather than anger and exasperation.
The Love Dare by Stephen and Alex Kendrick
Accept the challenge for Day 5............
Ask your spouse to tell you three things that cause him or her to be uncomfortable or irritated with you. You must do so without attacking them or justifying your behavior. Then ask yourself these questions...
How did you handle hearing it?
What do you plan to do to improve these areas?
Listen to this thought....
Love will lead you to forgive instead of holding a grudge. To be grateful instead of greedy. To be content rather than rushing into more debt. Love encourages you to be happy when someone else succeeds rather than lying awake at night in envy. Love says "share the inheritance"rather than "fight with your relatives." It reminds you to prioritize your family rather than sacrifice them for a promotion at work. In each decision, love ultimately lowers your stress and helps you release the venom that can build up inside. It then sets up your heart to respond to your spouse with patience and encouragement rather than anger and exasperation.
The Love Dare by Stephen and Alex Kendrick
Monday, February 1, 2010
The love Dare
I have always tried to seek out good friends in my life that build me up and make me a better person. I also believe that I tried to find those same qualities in the man I married. But am I that good friend to others, or am I especially loving to my husband? The truth of the matter is I don't feel that I am. I want to be that person so badly that can show love, and patience, and kindness all of the time, or at least most of the time, especially to my husband! So thanks to my friend Abbey I have accepted the challenge to read the book, "The Love Dare", and try to incorporate the teachings of it into my marriage. It is a 40 day challenge that after reading really does state the obvious, "challenge" being the key word! So today is my first day of the challenge, and just so you can gain insight into my mind.... I picked Monday as my start day because I would have less time with Matt and my kids, verses the weekend. Thus hopefully being able to meet the challenge presented on day 1. Sad I know, but this is going to be hard and I need some time to adjust. And I really want to be successful!!
Day 1---Love is patient
Today I will be completely patient in all things, and I will be completely successful because I am strong!
I have not told Matt that I am doing this challenge over the next 40 days, as I am hopeful that he will see a change in me on his own. I love him with all of my heart and I want to be the best wife to him. I may post a few of the challenges and my thoughts over the next 40 days, and maybe you too will be inspired to improve the relationships in your life. Oh, and by the way... I am hoping that I can incorporate these challenges to be a better mom also. Thus the Monday start! Wish me luck and prayers, because I need it!! Here's to a great 40 days to a better me on the inside!!
Day 1---Love is patient
Today I will be completely patient in all things, and I will be completely successful because I am strong!
I have not told Matt that I am doing this challenge over the next 40 days, as I am hopeful that he will see a change in me on his own. I love him with all of my heart and I want to be the best wife to him. I may post a few of the challenges and my thoughts over the next 40 days, and maybe you too will be inspired to improve the relationships in your life. Oh, and by the way... I am hoping that I can incorporate these challenges to be a better mom also. Thus the Monday start! Wish me luck and prayers, because I need it!! Here's to a great 40 days to a better me on the inside!!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Do you remember the time when you and that special someone got engaged? Well, I do! I remember feeling so lucky to be in love, as a matter of fact I felt like I hit the jackpot!! I thought wearing that special ring on my finger was so awsome. It was a token on my finger that said we would be together forever! I loved that ring, and I still do. However I lost my ring last Saturday, and after searching all week, today I finally broke down and let the tears flow! As a matter of fact the tears just keep coming and coming, and now they just won't stop. Matt paid $900 for that beautiful ring, and I know that it took all he had to get it. I just can't bear the thought of never having that ring on my finger again. And the worst part is, I have never taken a picture of it in the 14 years I have had it on my finger! Still to this day I know how lucky I am to have Matt, and I know eventually the tears will stop, but that ring meant the world to me!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
New year, some old memories!
It is the start of a new year, which causes me to reflect upon the old! As I think back to 2009, I have many favorite memories, and I want to write about a few of them.
One of my favorite memories from 2009 would have to be the trip I took to Disneyland with my daughters this past summer. I will always treasure that time with them and the memories we made with Uncle James. I can still smell the sweet smells, and the summer air as I write this. I love to sit in Disneyland and eat the freshest caramel apples with nuts in the warm sun. I loved seeing the joy on my daughters faces at every new adventure, and with every character in Disneyland. I could go there on vacation every year, and be perfectly happy doing it! Ashley turned 13 while we were there, and she is turning into a beautiful butterfly. She still has so much to learn, but she is amazing to me!
This past summer we sent Ashley and Kelsey to Montana for 2 weeks to be with their grandparents. Matt's parents renewed their wedding vows, and Matt and I thought it was so beautiful to see that ceremony. The love that they have for each other is so beautiful! Kelsey was very homesick, but she did have a blast. Uncle James helped her out a lot though. And as we reunited with him, it blessed all of our lives! He is the best gift that we received this last year!
We were also able to go to Salt lake City this past summer and have a Quigley reunion. It was so awsome to see all of our family, and spend cherished time with them. I am so very thankful for each one of them, for they are all a big blessing in my life!
My little brother Blake got married this past year. That was very special to me, to see him so happy with his new wife Mishelle! For I had prayed many times that he would find someone that would truly make him happy, and that prayer was answered. They are a wonderful couple, and we are so happy for them!!
Kelsey turned 8 this past year, and was baptized by Matt. My Grandpa Quigley came up, along with several family members. It was so neat to see my beautiful girl be baptized. This past year she has grown so much. She is the best sister to Ashley, Dayton, and Andrew. She is always finding ways to love those around her. She plays with Andrew and Dayton all of the time, and she is always so happy! She loves art and is always drawing and writing sweet little notes for everyone. She also started dance this year, and she loves it!! She brings so much happiness to our family!
With Andrew and Dayton my favorite memory has to be the words, POTTY TRAINED! That was a complete joy for me to be done with changing diapers all of the time! I still am thankful that my prayer was answered, and that they potty trained so quickly. They have been so fun to watch grow up this year. They turned 3, and they are double trouble, but oh so much fun! They don't dress alike at all anymore, and it is so cute to watch them pick out clothes every day. Andrew has this shirt that is orange with a m&m face on it. He wants to wear it all of the time, and when he puts it on, he flies away saying, "I'm m&m boy". Apparently it's a new super hero that you haven't met before, until you meet Andrew wearing his shirt. And Dayton likes to wear stripes all of the time now, because if it has stripes, then it is a Star Wars shirt. They have a name for almost all of their clothes, and they know who's is who's, when I don't even know. They are such a joy, except when it is time to go to sleep. They move all of the time, yet still can't exhaust themselves enough to sleep! I love them so much though!
I saved my favorite for last. This has been the year that I have truly been grateful for my husband! I have always loved him, and been grateful for him, but this year I have tried to accept the things that I cannot change about him. And it has made a world of difference after almost 14 years of marriage. I love him so much, and I'm so grateful for all of the things he brings to my life!! Even those things that I cannot change, but have learned to accept. He is the best cook, and he is always trying to make all of us happy. He loves me, and most days I don't feel I can love him the way he loves all of us. I have been blessed for every year that he has been part of my life, and I love him so very much!!
We have been blessed all year with wonderful blessings that Heavenly Father poured upon our hearts and souls! I love him and our Savior, Jesus Christ with all that I have. For without them, I would have nothing. I have a family that I love with all of my heart, and I'm so thankful to be a wife and mother! Every year I set a resolution to become a better wife and mother, and it's not because I never grow in that area. I just know what a sacred responsibility that I bear, and I always want to be better, or more Christ like, not only to my own family, but all of those around me! It has been a great year, and here's to the new one!
One of my favorite memories from 2009 would have to be the trip I took to Disneyland with my daughters this past summer. I will always treasure that time with them and the memories we made with Uncle James. I can still smell the sweet smells, and the summer air as I write this. I love to sit in Disneyland and eat the freshest caramel apples with nuts in the warm sun. I loved seeing the joy on my daughters faces at every new adventure, and with every character in Disneyland. I could go there on vacation every year, and be perfectly happy doing it! Ashley turned 13 while we were there, and she is turning into a beautiful butterfly. She still has so much to learn, but she is amazing to me!
This past summer we sent Ashley and Kelsey to Montana for 2 weeks to be with their grandparents. Matt's parents renewed their wedding vows, and Matt and I thought it was so beautiful to see that ceremony. The love that they have for each other is so beautiful! Kelsey was very homesick, but she did have a blast. Uncle James helped her out a lot though. And as we reunited with him, it blessed all of our lives! He is the best gift that we received this last year!
We were also able to go to Salt lake City this past summer and have a Quigley reunion. It was so awsome to see all of our family, and spend cherished time with them. I am so very thankful for each one of them, for they are all a big blessing in my life!
My little brother Blake got married this past year. That was very special to me, to see him so happy with his new wife Mishelle! For I had prayed many times that he would find someone that would truly make him happy, and that prayer was answered. They are a wonderful couple, and we are so happy for them!!
Kelsey turned 8 this past year, and was baptized by Matt. My Grandpa Quigley came up, along with several family members. It was so neat to see my beautiful girl be baptized. This past year she has grown so much. She is the best sister to Ashley, Dayton, and Andrew. She is always finding ways to love those around her. She plays with Andrew and Dayton all of the time, and she is always so happy! She loves art and is always drawing and writing sweet little notes for everyone. She also started dance this year, and she loves it!! She brings so much happiness to our family!
With Andrew and Dayton my favorite memory has to be the words, POTTY TRAINED! That was a complete joy for me to be done with changing diapers all of the time! I still am thankful that my prayer was answered, and that they potty trained so quickly. They have been so fun to watch grow up this year. They turned 3, and they are double trouble, but oh so much fun! They don't dress alike at all anymore, and it is so cute to watch them pick out clothes every day. Andrew has this shirt that is orange with a m&m face on it. He wants to wear it all of the time, and when he puts it on, he flies away saying, "I'm m&m boy". Apparently it's a new super hero that you haven't met before, until you meet Andrew wearing his shirt. And Dayton likes to wear stripes all of the time now, because if it has stripes, then it is a Star Wars shirt. They have a name for almost all of their clothes, and they know who's is who's, when I don't even know. They are such a joy, except when it is time to go to sleep. They move all of the time, yet still can't exhaust themselves enough to sleep! I love them so much though!
I saved my favorite for last. This has been the year that I have truly been grateful for my husband! I have always loved him, and been grateful for him, but this year I have tried to accept the things that I cannot change about him. And it has made a world of difference after almost 14 years of marriage. I love him so much, and I'm so grateful for all of the things he brings to my life!! Even those things that I cannot change, but have learned to accept. He is the best cook, and he is always trying to make all of us happy. He loves me, and most days I don't feel I can love him the way he loves all of us. I have been blessed for every year that he has been part of my life, and I love him so very much!!
We have been blessed all year with wonderful blessings that Heavenly Father poured upon our hearts and souls! I love him and our Savior, Jesus Christ with all that I have. For without them, I would have nothing. I have a family that I love with all of my heart, and I'm so thankful to be a wife and mother! Every year I set a resolution to become a better wife and mother, and it's not because I never grow in that area. I just know what a sacred responsibility that I bear, and I always want to be better, or more Christ like, not only to my own family, but all of those around me! It has been a great year, and here's to the new one!
Christmas 2009
On Christmas Eve our family volunteered to serve meals at the homeless shelter. It was such a neat way to end our month of service and love, and a great way to start our Christmas morning. My eyes were opened to all of those wonderful people who came through those doors that night. It made me so grateful to have a family, and be thankful for what I do have, instead of what I don't! For that night I think my eyes were opened to Matt especially, as I saw the love in his eye's, and concern for other people. He even volunteered to help cook meals when needed at the last minute. The next morning I could tell he was deeply grateful, as he awoke first, turned on Christmas music (which is amazing for him), and made everyone hot chocolate. The experience that night affected all of us in different ways, but none the less, made us all the more grateful for wonderful family, friends, food, and shelter! I am ever so thankful to my Father in Heaven for the blessings that he has showered over my family, and I! In all of the posts below are my favorite things about Christmas this year, in a mismatched order!

I was so excited to give this gift to Ashley! I started this quilt when she was 5 yrs. old and never finished it. This is the quilt where I sent off a piece to family members to decorate, and they sent it back to add to the quilt. There are several family members who added to this quilt that have passed away or divorced. But none the less this is a family quilt that she will have for a lifetime. I love this quilt, and I am so thankful for those of you who contributed to it, for I know that Ashley truly treasures it!

Matt and Ashley kept riding the new scooters around the house! We kept telling Matt that there was a weight limit! Ha Ha! You see those pans in the background? We got them for Christmas, and I have already burned both meals that I tried to cook in them! Matt wasn't happy about that, and told me I wasn't allowed to cook with them, which is just fine with me!!

This is Ashley in her new dress from Uncle James. I think she looks like a lady in it! I found that it is extremely difficult to find modest dresses these days!

This is Ashley opening her new dress.

Kelsey was so excited for every single little gift and so were the boys! Christmas this year was so fun. I took more videos of the boys then pictures, and as soon as I figure out my camera, I will post them! I loved the holiday spirit that was everywhere this year! Andrew and Dayton loved the lights, I loved the music, the girls loved everything! And Matt, well he can be a grinch at times, but he tried so very hard this year! I felt as though all month we were happy and trying to enjoy that Christ like attitude! It truly was a great Christmas season!
I was so excited to give this gift to Ashley! I started this quilt when she was 5 yrs. old and never finished it. This is the quilt where I sent off a piece to family members to decorate, and they sent it back to add to the quilt. There are several family members who added to this quilt that have passed away or divorced. But none the less this is a family quilt that she will have for a lifetime. I love this quilt, and I am so thankful for those of you who contributed to it, for I know that Ashley truly treasures it!
Matt and Ashley kept riding the new scooters around the house! We kept telling Matt that there was a weight limit! Ha Ha! You see those pans in the background? We got them for Christmas, and I have already burned both meals that I tried to cook in them! Matt wasn't happy about that, and told me I wasn't allowed to cook with them, which is just fine with me!!
This is Ashley in her new dress from Uncle James. I think she looks like a lady in it! I found that it is extremely difficult to find modest dresses these days!
This is Ashley opening her new dress.
Kelsey was so excited for every single little gift and so were the boys! Christmas this year was so fun. I took more videos of the boys then pictures, and as soon as I figure out my camera, I will post them! I loved the holiday spirit that was everywhere this year! Andrew and Dayton loved the lights, I loved the music, the girls loved everything! And Matt, well he can be a grinch at times, but he tried so very hard this year! I felt as though all month we were happy and trying to enjoy that Christ like attitude! It truly was a great Christmas season!
Christmas 2009
I finally got my marshmellow shooter that I had been asking for, for 3 years. Ashley drew my name this year, and I guess finally decided that she wanted to get it for me! I was so excited about this gift, and I still am!
I guess the boys were excited about it also, because thay kept trying to steal it!
Christmas 2009
This was a house of Christmas lights that we found next to a house that looks like the next picture. We thought it was funny!
On the news the owner of this house says his bill in January is $1500.00 dollars and 3 months of work every year! But the sight is beautiful!
Christmas 2009
I try and make the whole month of December fun and one of service for the whole family. We did fun things and things of service for each member of the family. We drew a name from a hat and everyday we had to do something special for that person. The love I feel in my home every December is warming to my heart! Some of my favorite things this year.........

The girls had friends come over and make yummy treats that we shared with friends.

Andrew and Dayton weren't as creative as everyone else. But what can you expect from 3 yr. olds. Andrew did give a lot more hugs though!

I had Kelsey, and I tried to do some fun things like paint candy cane nails! They turned out so cute! Andrew decided this year that he doesn't like red and white candy canes, so he kept telling Kelsey to wash her hands! I also tried to make Kelsey feel special by spending a lot of time with her. I did her dishes a lot, gave her special treats, and wrote cute little notes for her!

This was a picture after visiting Santa Claus at the mall, they do make great little elf's! Ashley is too big of course to wear these corny hats. Note: Andrew and Dayton have fought all winter long about their coats that you see here, and why the other one won't share his, or if today he will. Now when you see twins wearing matching clothes, just know that maybe the mom just wants to avoid fighting over who wears what. Next year they will be the same without question!
We actually stood in line for 30 min. before seeing Santa fighting about you guessed it, coats!

This is our visit with Santa this year. Much better then last year! Andrew wasn't willing to sit on his lap, and Dayton was fine as long as Kelsey was holding on to him. The boys both asked for Transformers, Kelsey asked for art supplies, and Ashley asked for Clothes!
The girls had friends come over and make yummy treats that we shared with friends.
Andrew and Dayton weren't as creative as everyone else. But what can you expect from 3 yr. olds. Andrew did give a lot more hugs though!
I had Kelsey, and I tried to do some fun things like paint candy cane nails! They turned out so cute! Andrew decided this year that he doesn't like red and white candy canes, so he kept telling Kelsey to wash her hands! I also tried to make Kelsey feel special by spending a lot of time with her. I did her dishes a lot, gave her special treats, and wrote cute little notes for her!
This was a picture after visiting Santa Claus at the mall, they do make great little elf's! Ashley is too big of course to wear these corny hats. Note: Andrew and Dayton have fought all winter long about their coats that you see here, and why the other one won't share his, or if today he will. Now when you see twins wearing matching clothes, just know that maybe the mom just wants to avoid fighting over who wears what. Next year they will be the same without question!
We actually stood in line for 30 min. before seeing Santa fighting about you guessed it, coats!
This is our visit with Santa this year. Much better then last year! Andrew wasn't willing to sit on his lap, and Dayton was fine as long as Kelsey was holding on to him. The boys both asked for Transformers, Kelsey asked for art supplies, and Ashley asked for Clothes!
Some of my other favorite things this year that we did for each other, but I have no pictures of....
Matt had Ashley, and he would get up and make her muffins for breakfast. He made her hot chocolate to take to school in his mug (which is big for him, because the kids always lose them, so he doesn't let them take them at all). He did her dishes a lot, and just tried to spend more time with her. I was very proud of Matt this year because he always tries to participate, but this year he tried really hard with Ashley.
Kelsey had Matt, and everyday without fail there was a letter waiting for him on our bed. Her letters are so endearing, they could lift any ones spirit! As a matter of fact even though she drew Matt's name she wrote several letter's to myself! She also tried to help so much with the boys so Matt could study. She truly brings love into our home with her letters of love!
Ashley had my name, and she was so thoughtful. She would bring me a glass of water at night to put by my bed. She cleaned my bathroom, the kitchen, my bedroom, the living room, actually the whole house at times. She wrote sweet little notes and tried so hard to make me feel of her love!
And Andrew and Dayton had each other! I can tell you watching twins look out for each other is so special. I have loved having twins, but the joy only increases as they grow, and that special bond grows between them. They tried so hard to share and care for each other, and now that December is over, the concern they have for each other isn't ending! They fight so much, but they also want to help each other out when they are hurting or in trouble. They truly are a joy in our home.
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