
Saturday, September 11, 2010


You know when you are just going CRAZY with a hundred things to do, and you feel that you are being pulled in every direction? Well that's how I feel, just plain OVERWHELMED!!! I just don't know how my parents raised 8 children without going crazy!! Wait..........they are CRAZY (Ha Ha Ha)!! Oh the things to look forward to in life. I have these 4 BEAUTIFUL children who mean everything to me, and yet I feel that I just can't meet all of their needs and Matt's. This last week has been so busy as we have had testing for Dayton and Andrew all week. They are scoring low in several different areas that need to be addressed at home and in preschool. They start back up next week with a speech therapist, an occupational therapist, and their preschool teacher. Andrew loves going, Dayton on the other hand has a hard time at first, and then gets better after a little while. I think he is just sick of doing so many tests! Kelsey just entered 4th grade and got my friend for a teacher (Mrs. Zweifel), she is so excited to be in her class, and she already knows her so she feels so comfortable. She also just started back up in dance which she loves. Talk about having to much on my plate......we had back to school night, and I had gotten off work late. I called home to tell Kelsey to be ready right when I got home so we could get her back pack loaded up and get her hair done. Well when I had pulled in the driveway, Ashley had done her hair, and gotten all of her school supplies together for me. She looked so cute! Ashley also did the same for her first class of dance. I was at work and Ashley sent her off to dance with a cute little hairstyle that she made up. These girls don't get along well most of the time, so I hope that Kelsey can always remember these moments. Ashley turns 14 in 2 weeks! This is really hard for me to accept. I keep trying to think of cute birthday party ideas....but I just can't think of what 14 yr. old girls do at birthday parties. I am trying to hold on to the little girl in her, but feel her slipping away. She keeps asking funny questions like....... Mom, how do talk to boys? (Facebook and text has changed the way teenagers talk to each other), and I don't get these things, so I am not much help! Ashley has her first real crush on a boy at school. Matt is dying inside when I tell him these things! In fact they are really hard for me also, but we all go through them. Matt starts his 2nd semester of the nursing program on Monday, which means that he will be busy, busy, busy! Our lives are crazy right now, with so much on my plate to make our household run smoothly, I feel like I am running in all different directions. But just writing down my thoughts has made me feel so much better. I know that I am OVERWHELMED, but I guess I wouldn't change a thing! You know what the say about idle hands right? I would be getting myself into a lot of trouble!


Emily said...

I think your plate is full, but manageable. If you were unaware of what was going on in each of your kids and your husbands individuals lives, there might be too much going on. BUT MELINDA, you are awesome. You have have been raising your girls right (meaning that they depend on eachother when it counts, even if they fight like cats when it doesn't) and your boys are developing a little what!?! Who ever makes a new friend or gets a job by what age they learned to talk or do some other developmental thing?

Life happens like it does for a reason...our kids (sniffle sniffle) grow up. We work (at least about 75% of moms) because we have to and it doesn't make our kids any less awesome or less close to us.

Sit down. Relax. Have a glass of wine (hahaha) and look around at how much you have....then you will feel overwhelmed by joy instead of stress. :D

Jules said...

There's that great little reminder: "Don't sweat the small stuff--and it's all small stuff". I love ya girl! Just keep plugging away one day at a time and pretty soon you'll get through it just fine. (This is what I tell myself on a daily basis). :)