
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Baking with Ashley

This is our first homemade pumpkin pie that Ashley and I made together. I have never made a homemade pumpkin pie, starting with the pumpkin. But it tasted awsome! Ashley picked as one of her goals for Young Womens to plan and cook the family meals for the last 2 weeks. I must say she did an amazing job, and she is a pretty good cook. Matt and I each took turns teaching her some of our favorite recipes and cooking with her. At first Matt joked that we would be making a lot of late night fast food visits, but we never did because she did such a great job! She did end up buying pizza twice though with her own money because she didn't prepare well. Over all I thought it was a great lesson for her, and Matt and I. Way to go Ashley, we are so proud of you!! And just a little note to the Price family (alright Justin). We said we probably wouldn't make another homemade pumpkin pie, because it was a lot of work! But we decided we have to bake one just for you guys, so you know for yourself that it's not stringy!! Something to look forward too!


Jules said...

I came across the coolest website that you and the kids might have fun with. I'll include the link for you to check out.

shells said...

Nice job Ashley! Blake LOVES pumpkin pie .. so here is your official invitation to come over and make him one. And when you are done .. you can take me to see New Moon since I dont have anyone else to go with. ;)