It is the start of a new year, which causes me to reflect upon the old! As I think back to 2009, I have many favorite memories, and I want to write about a few of them.
One of my favorite memories from 2009 would have to be the trip I took to Disneyland with my daughters this past summer. I will always treasure that time with them and the memories we made with Uncle James. I can still smell the sweet smells, and the summer air as I write this. I love to sit in Disneyland and eat the freshest caramel apples with nuts in the warm sun. I loved seeing the joy on my daughters faces at every new adventure, and with every character in Disneyland. I could go there on vacation every year, and be perfectly happy doing it! Ashley turned 13 while we were there, and she is turning into a beautiful butterfly. She still has so much to learn, but she is amazing to me!
This past summer we sent Ashley and Kelsey to Montana for 2 weeks to be with their grandparents. Matt's parents renewed their wedding vows, and Matt and I thought it was so beautiful to see that ceremony. The love that they have for each other is so beautiful! Kelsey was very homesick, but she did have a blast. Uncle James helped her out a lot though. And as we reunited with him, it blessed all of our lives! He is the best gift that we received this last year!
We were also able to go to Salt lake City this past summer and have a Quigley reunion. It was so awsome to see all of our family, and spend cherished time with them. I am so very thankful for each one of them, for they are all a big blessing in my life!
My little brother Blake got married this past year. That was very special to me, to see him so happy with his new wife Mishelle! For I had prayed many times that he would find someone that would truly make him happy, and that prayer was answered. They are a wonderful couple, and we are so happy for them!!
Kelsey turned 8 this past year, and was baptized by Matt. My Grandpa Quigley came up, along with several family members. It was so neat to see my beautiful girl be baptized. This past year she has grown so much. She is the best sister to Ashley, Dayton, and Andrew. She is always finding ways to love those around her. She plays with Andrew and Dayton all of the time, and she is always so happy! She loves art and is always drawing and writing sweet little notes for everyone. She also started dance this year, and she loves it!! She brings so much happiness to our family!
With Andrew and Dayton my favorite memory has to be the words, POTTY TRAINED! That was a complete joy for me to be done with changing diapers all of the time! I still am thankful that my prayer was answered, and that they potty trained so quickly. They have been so fun to watch grow up this year. They turned 3, and they are double trouble, but oh so much fun! They don't dress alike at all anymore, and it is so cute to watch them pick out clothes every day. Andrew has this shirt that is orange with a m&m face on it. He wants to wear it all of the time, and when he puts it on, he flies away saying, "I'm m&m boy". Apparently it's a new super hero that you haven't met before, until you meet Andrew wearing his shirt. And Dayton likes to wear stripes all of the time now, because if it has stripes, then it is a Star Wars shirt. They have a name for almost all of their clothes, and they know who's is who's, when I don't even know. They are such a joy, except when it is time to go to sleep. They move all of the time, yet still can't exhaust themselves enough to sleep! I love them so much though!
I saved my favorite for last. This has been the year that I have truly been grateful for my husband! I have always loved him, and been grateful for him, but this year I have tried to accept the things that I cannot change about him. And it has made a world of difference after almost 14 years of marriage. I love him so much, and I'm so grateful for all of the things he brings to my life!! Even those things that I cannot change, but have learned to accept. He is the best cook, and he is always trying to make all of us happy. He loves me, and most days I don't feel I can love him the way he loves all of us. I have been blessed for every year that he has been part of my life, and I love him so very much!!
We have been blessed all year with wonderful blessings that Heavenly Father poured upon our hearts and souls! I love him and our Savior, Jesus Christ with all that I have. For without them, I would have nothing. I have a family that I love with all of my heart, and I'm so thankful to be a wife and mother! Every year I set a resolution to become a better wife and mother, and it's not because I never grow in that area. I just know what a sacred responsibility that I bear, and I always want to be better, or more Christ like, not only to my own family, but all of those around me! It has been a great year, and here's to the new one!
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